The photo album of the beautiful new college student is “Miss Jitwan Panich” or “Bass brother” 21 years old. Height 160 cm, weight 45 kg, is studying at Silpakorn University. Campus Mon Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology In IE (Engineering), there is a hobby: photography, listening to music, finding a nice dessert shop, and on the album Flowers with beautiful women. This set has pictures to friends. Have a great time with me.

Facebook : Jittawan Panitchakan
Instagram : bestbest_jtw
Photographer : วรวุฒิ สิทธิรุ่ง
Page : K’s Gallery Foto
Location : สวนวชิรเบญจทัศ (สวนรถไฟ) Vachirabenjatas Park (Rot Fai Park)